Friday, June 24, 2011


This week marked the publication of The Boy at the End of the World by my beloved companion of 21 years, Greg van Eekhout. Isn't the cover lovely?

Greg, along with Timothy Power and Cynthia Hand, will be discussing books at a signing tomorrow at Mysterious Galaxy.

Really, I couldn't be more thrilled that this book is out in the wild.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Just can't get enough

Really, would it ever be possible to get bored of images of Saturn?

(From Cassini)

Friday, June 03, 2011


Yesterday, our dear friend Colleen came to visit us. We hung out by the sea and provided puppy therapy for her. It was a lovely day!

From Summer 2011

From Summer 2011

Also, yesterday I saw a beautiful video of Cassini raw Saturn data set to the music of Nine Inch Nails. Favorite planet and favorite band!