Sunday, July 08, 2007

Things I WILL Miss About Phoenix - #1

When it's almost 110 degrees again, it's easy to come up with things I won't miss about Phoenix - the relentless heat, the feeling of being trapped inside one's domicile for about 3 months out of the year, the increasing urban sprawl... However, as the move to San Diego grows ever closer, I can also think of many things I will miss about this area. For example, I will miss Harkins Theatres, a family-owned movie house chain that's been in operation since 1933. From seeing the Fugitive during our first week in town to camping out for Episode I to seeing Transformers just today on a truly large screen with a great sound system (to perfectly complement such a fun summer movie), Harkins has been an important part of our lives here. Dan Harkins, a true movie geek who makes sure all the important indie films and documentaries get into his theaters, has expanded the chain to outside of Arizona recently, with a few in the Riverside area of California and I wish him well. If he ever decides to move into the San Diego area, we'll spend our movie dollars there gladly.


Rachel said...

Okay, that made me look of Harkins Theaters in Riverside County. I found one at the Moreno Valley Mall (around the corner from one of the CostCos we use and about 15 minutes from the UCR campus where Shawn is going) and discovered THEY HAVE CHILDCARE FOR PARENTS WHO ARE WATCHING THE MOVIES!!!!!

You have no idea how big a deal this is. Now if I can just convince my occasionally paranoid husband that it's okay to leave our baby with total strangers for a couple of hours, maybe we can see a movie in an actual theater....

Dr. Lisa said...

If it makes Shawn feel any better, the child care is typically in a closed playroom with windows, fully visible in the lobby, so it isn't like you'd be leaving Hunter down a dark corridor somewhere. I've always thought it was a great idea. Hope it works for you!

The Double-U Show said...

A Phoenix blogger!? I can't believe my eyes. At least you're moving to probably the greatest American city in San Diego. No city on earth has anything on SD. So many people from Phoenix move there and so many people from L.A. move here they're just going to break the border down and call it Southern Calizona. If you're into sport check out my blog I love Harkins too, it's the best theatre in the world

Dr. Lisa said...

Thanks for dropping by, Double-U. Nice site!