Sunday, January 13, 2008

2007 Review of Books

This year, I only read 28 books. That may be my lowest total for any year in my entire life. I guess searching for a job, moving to another state, and starting a new job had an impact on my reading. Oh, let's be honest... extraneous web-surfing and obsessive watching of Battlestar Galactica DVDs had an effect, too. I'm hoping to read much more this year, but let's take a look at the best of last year first:

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J. K. Rowling - this is a no-brainer. I cannot remember the last time I so eagerly awaited the publication of a book. I only regret that we did not spend more time with Snape. Ah, Snape... love the character, love Alan Rickman and envisioning him while I read...Snape....
  • Old Man's War - John Scalzi - I really enjoyed every aspect of this book: the universe, the characters, the writing. I look forward to spending more time in Scalzi's world.
  • The Thief; The Queen of Attolia; The King of Attolia - Megan Whalen Turner - these books are found in the YA section of your local bookseller, but they're great books no matter what age you are. I was told that they were good, but they were spectacular. Of all the books I read this year, these are the ones I give the highest recommendation to you to read, if you haven't already. Now if we could just convince Turner to write faster! The books may not demand sequels, but I'm not ready to let go of the world and the characters yet!

Here's to great reading in 2008!


Sarah Prineas said...

You're right: MWT needs to WRITE FASTER!!!!

And I think the Medes are out there plotting disaster for our King and Queen. There's going to be more, for sure.

Dr. Lisa said...

Oh, the Medes are definitely up to something. I think the books hold up well on their own, but I definitely want sequels.