Friday, May 15, 2009

Fun Stuff

Wow, this past week went by so fast. I've been busy, with just one week left to go in the semester. Yay! I've also been managing to have a lot of fun. We went to see Star Trek again, IMAX this time, and still enjoyed it greatly. Then last night, we met up with Colleenky and others to see Jonathan Coulton with Paul and Storm. I'd only heard one JoCo song before and knew absolutely nothing about Paul and Storm, but really enjoyed the whole show. Quite different from the next concert I'll be attending. (Tomorrow.... eee!!!)

Greg's first novel, Norse Code, comes out on Tuesday. I am so excited! You should go read the first three chapters for free:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

And he also has a lovely short story recently posted for free, too: Last Son of Tomorrow


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